Our Plan: A List of Actions for the SBI Board Members to Take

The tools to counteract climate change and protect our water are available to us right now. Four elected officials form the State Board of Investments have the ability to act to protect our pensions from risky and unethical fossil fuel investments: Governor Tim Walz, Secretary of State Steve Simon, State Auditor Julie Blaha and Attorney …

Actions Taken to Support Divestment: A Timeline

2015  Minneapolis City Council Resolution pledging continued divestment from fossil fuels and urging all institutions that invest significant amounts of capital to divest from fossil fuels. 2016 Minnesota Association of Professional Employees (MAPE) delegate assembly resolution encouraging the State Board of Investment to divest from fossil fuels and reinvest in cleaner energy options. Saint Paul …

Minnesota Association of Professional Employees supports a study of divesting the state pension from fossil fuels

We all know the way it feels when we hear a piece of music well played or see a beautiful dance or a magnificent display of athletic accomplishment. The coordination and beauty of all pieces working together warms our hearts and gives us a sense that all is right in the universe. Well, that’s the …

Fossil Free MN distrupts U of M Regents meeting

The brave souls involved in the Fossil Free MN student group, that is pushing for divestment of fossil fuels by the University of Minnesota, disrupted the Board of Regents meeting on Thursday December 10th. Story in the Minnesota Daily.

Guardian: UN on wrong track with plans to limit global warming to 2C, says top scientist

One of the world’s leading atmospheric scientists has told the UN that its present attempt to limit emissions is “half-arsed and half-baked” and risks handing the next generation a climate system that is out of their control. James Hansen, former head of Nasa’s Goddard Center and the man who raised awareness of climate change in …


This is the start of our comprehensive site for divestment from fossil fuels and investment in renewable technologies for the state of Minnesota pension funds. Stop back soon to see this web site bloom into life.